Jul 21, 2008 12:22
Bill and I play on a Friday night softball league. It is a lot of fun and our team is not only made up of good people, but we are actually a pretty good team.
SO my assignment as of late has been catcher. Usually a girl who is nt good is put there. I can actually play that position pretty well. I like it too cause you are actually in the game. (outfield my mind wanders too much).
So here is the intresting story that happened this week:
A woman makes a base hit and there is another baserunner on 2nd. He chooses to head for home. I am covering home plate. The short stop has the ball and is making a great throw to me and we are clearly going to get this guy out. I catch the ball and turn to tag him...but this guy who is running at full speed, bowls me over (did I mention that he's twice my size?). I'm on the ground, in pain, and can't breathe, but I still have the ball in my glove. The guy is totally out. The ump was soooo pissed at this guy cause it was obvious he did that on purpose and throws the guy out. (Bill was pretty ticked at the guy too)
We go on to win the game. I made 3/3 base hits. The next day I was extremely sore (but feel beter now). And today I have a ginormous bruiseon my leg.