Jan 25, 2005 18:23
k so last night while li and frankie were studying i updated but its friends only so read it guys, you'll see why. um k so this morning we got up at like 6 15 and I had global which was so easy. then we had bio which I suck at so that was miserable. Lisa picked me up at like 12 and we went to the commons. finally got that bag from le sportsac I wanted and some new pants and stuff from the gap. they're so comfortable. then we went to pick up frankie at matt floods house. so then we got back to lisas around like 3 i guess and i took a nap til 5 30. now they're still studying (well not really studying but yea) and we're ordering dinner soon. Li wants me to stay and watch american idol with her so I am and then shes taking me home. English and Math tomorrow. woo!
k, that's it.