I love danielle hoegler!!

Jul 16, 2005 20:19

Exhibit A:
JennaBot3000: a cat is on our porch
JennaBot3000: i think ima steal it
SwmChicken: CATCH IT!
SwmChicken: i used to try and catch the little kittens that were wild in our neighbor hood. i never caught one bc they were too fast like those damn dolphins but my brother got one once and he tried to hide it from my mom but she got really mad about it.
SwmChicken: and im so sunburnt.
SwmChicken: but that has nothing to do what we were just talking about

Exhibit B:
SwmChicken: my car is fixed! arent you excited?
JennaBot3000: omg i just kicked my feet in a fit of joy
JennaBot3000: thats how excited i am
SwmChicken: awesome
SwmChicken: thats what i wanted to hear from you
SwmChicken: youre such a team player jenna
SwmChicken: thats why i love you so much
SwmChicken: GO TEAM!
JennaBot3000: WOOOOOOO
JennaBot3000: ::paints danielles name on chest::
JennaBot3000: wait it doesnt fit
SwmChicken: HAHAH
JennaBot3000: can i call u dan
SwmChicken: damit
SwmChicken: yes dan is a-okay
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