Sep 11, 2005 14:47
I feel like I haven't slept in forever. And that's ridiculous because I sleep every night. I sleep lots. That's what you do in college, you sleep lots. Yet I feel ridiculously drained. Some flu-like thing is going around, I guess maybe I'm getting it. Which would suck. I have way too much work to do.
Today I have to write my two page paper for Brit Lit and read like 140 plus pages for Tolstoy. So much for the weekend being a time of relaxation. Plus I have to read Beowulf (again) and do the reading log for that by Wednesday, and I have a 5 to 7 page draft of a paper due for Tolstoy on Friday. Not to mention my Pre-Calc and Philosophy work due on Tuesday. It sucks.
I'm just having a generally rough time. My math class is pretty much the easiest thing in the world, but that's the only break I'm getting. I don't have trouble in Philosophy, it's just boring and rather pointless at the moment. Same with Tolstoy. It's not mentally difficult, but it puts me to sleep and it's a whole crapload of work. Brit Lit just isn't cool right now. The class is almost entirely upperclassmen and for some reason, I feel so exceptionally unintelligent every time I go there. It's just like I have nothing to say. Everything I can think of to add to discussions just sounds ridiculous. And I don't take notes, because I have no idea what I'm supposed to be taking notes on. And I'm so convinced that this paper I have to write today is going to be plain and simple, failing work. I just feel like I can't do it. It really sucks. It's the first time I've felt stupid in a class, with the exception of Calc. I'm worried.
On a better note, I went to the first football game of the season last night. It was an awesome game... Delaware made a great comeback to win it 34-33 in overtime. Sucks for all the people who gave up on the game in the third quarter and left. But I miss band. In a really weird sort of way. Can't explain it. Didn't think I'd have any regrets but I guess I do.
Anyway. Time for homework til I collapse. Woo. Hoo.
I'm out.