Mad love<3 to the deuce

Aug 02, 2005 23:10

Soo.. I’m back from Al-Gon-Quian, let me tell you about it…

Alright, so we get to camp right, Melanie, Nicole, and I are soooo excited, we pull in and see all of our counselors and are like omg I am so excited… So we get our bunks and stuff, take our swim tests, eat, and then there’s opening camp fire. WHAT A BLAST! All the guys that we didn’t think would be friends with us because they despised us last year were standing right in front of us. So as the week progressed we began to talk to them more and more, and they became the group of kids we hung out with for the whole two weeks. They were like the most fun people ever. So the people in our cabin were… Nina, Fina, Elizabeth, Sarah, Megan, Melanie, Carley, Nicole, and I, and then there was our counselors Furlette(Melissa) and Jordan Peshke. Nina was hilarious. She used to scare people, like she would pop up by your bedside… and one night we played a joke on megan so we had Nina hid under megan’s bed in a sleeping bag and we told megan nina was sleeping, so when megan went to go get in her bed and Nina grabbed her ankles… ahhaha MEGAN SCREAMED and then started BALLING, sorry gimp, it was HILARIOUS! Hhahaha Gimp was a name megan made for herself when she sprained her ankle during counselor hunt(an evening activity). So Fina was the girl who ALWAYS wanted to eat our food, there’s always someone like that in our cabin every year… Sarah Drake was the one that didn’t like Melanie and I last year because of …. Some reasons… but it all ended out okay and we were fine, she was so much fun… She was the girl who went on a piercing spree and pierced our whole cabins ears, and other cabins too. Hahah what a night.. aka Mexican Fiesta night. Ahha Getting our cellulars taken away or should I say china’s. Camp out- - the YC guys… haha going to Frodo and seeing them playing with Melanie’s Spiderman cards hahaha the massage circles and stuff wow what a night. The dances… EthaN! He’s my date… hahaha Peter, Ryan, BRIAn, BEN!, Anthony, Danny, Scott… all you guys were so much fun, thanks for the two weeks of funnnn… Steve, hahah the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches we weren’t supposed to make haha… Steve racing towards us, WALKERRRRRRRRRrr what a hot piece of ass… hahaha that face he did that scared me away so fast haha Nicole and I taking pics with him. He was John’s twin, literally… all the devotions… all the Uno games… (I attended one) hahha wow there’s so much…. I couldn’t believe how fun it was… wow definitely going for 3 and 4 session next year.. 3rd session would be our last session as Campers.. then fourth.. L.I.T’s hell yeah. We are definitely visiting the deuce soon… 2 weeks! For my birthday and you better throw a party… how fun.

* A highlight at camp… JESSIE POPPER CAME TO VISIT! It was so exciting, I was happy … Alex Herold also came… omg hot

So when I got home on Saturday I went and saw Charlie and the chocolate factory… which I didn’t really pay attention to so I have to see it again tomorrow with John<3 haha.. Speaking of John he’s already in Drivers training, isn’t that weird? I think it is… tomorrow there’s a BACKSTREET BOYS concert. Omg I want to go….  I’m at Lindsay Neville’s house right now… were planning some sweet things… we dyed our hair today… its not that different but oh well… we are going to the journey concert on Monday next week… we think its Monday? Oh well and then DESTINY’S CHILD ON THE 14th.. my birthday BITCH. Wow I can’t wait… not to mention our camping trip before school begins, and cedar point, and the ZOOOOOOO…. Yes Lindsay we are doing all of those NO MATTER WHAT. Haha to bad your sitting next to me right now. WE GO TO SCHOOL IN 3 weeks….

- - My BiRtHdAy Is In 2 WeEkS.. the 14th baby…  be ready to celebrate

<3 well im gonna wrap this up cuz Lindsay and I need to get out and do something, even though its 2:30 in the morning… hahah

<3 The cells are on so call if you feel the need.

-  - Peace out

<3 Love always
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