i ate a lot of food today...ughh WAY TOO MUCH! so yeah i got up and got dressed then went to my aunt and uncles house in laurel creek. sean and i hung out there for a while then we went back home to the fun-filled thanksgiving party we had here... (sarcasm).. well i mean it was fun and all but with our family- theres always someone pissed off at one point or another.. and that happened a lot! but other stuff we just laughed about. okay so i found a prom dress that i want really bad but it's $350. hmm maybe i can still get it! i'll start working again
so yeah me and erin were gonna go to the store and buy stuff to bleach her hair but its thanksgiving and nothing is open "jeez i guess i never knew thanksgiving was so important"...well erin-the pilgrims found america... which is where we live and if they didn't we wouldnt' be here. haha so we went to blockbuster and i rented harry potter 3 and the cat in the hat, and she bought harry potter 3. i'm home now and im watching HP3!.i'm getting up super early tomorrow to go shopping with my ladies (foley, shannon, sarah, michelle and maybe eranne)!!! CAN'T WAIT!!
well the dress isn't gonna look half-as good on me but i love ittttttttt!