Fabu's subject line was "anything to get me writing"

May 26, 2009 09:18

and Catt and I were talking this weekend about how I've stalled out, though that may be because what I'm working on right now is kind of epic in length, so I am putting words down, but I'm not posting anything*, so it feels like I'm not writing. So let's do something short. I haven't written a kiss in a while. (For newcomers to this journal, when I ( Read more... )

not.on.skyehawke, writing, fiction, lemming

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wolfrick May 26 2009, 16:05:11 UTC
If you're willing to train me the way you want me to beta, I'll be happy to take a stab at it.


jenna_thorn May 26 2009, 18:21:05 UTC
we're hoping for someone who can catch the britishisms, actaully, scince we've got Draco and Hermione running about in the crowd. I appreciate the offer, though. Let me get back to you.


wolfrick May 26 2009, 20:09:42 UTC
You do remember that I lived overseas from the age of 5, and lived in Scotland for the last two and a half years of high school, right?


jenna_thorn May 26 2009, 20:25:20 UTC
Hahaha, actaully, no, I'd forgotten. Lemme ask my co-author. You okay with .doc files?

How familiar are you with:

Harry Potter
The Sharpe movies

There are a couple of reference that folks familiar with other source material will catch, but those are our big three.


wolfrick May 26 2009, 20:33:00 UTC
I'm familiar with Potter and NCIS, but haven't seen Sharpe, by which I'm assuming you mean the Napoleonic Wars costume drama starring Sean Bean. I will endeavor to catch up, download speed permitting :)
Plus, I'm a wonk, so don't worry, I'll swot whatever I need but don't know, y'ken?


Got an answer from the other side of the shared writing brain. jenna_thorn May 28 2009, 13:55:26 UTC
Okay, which email do you want me to use? Word docs okay, or do you want me to cut and paste? Warning, we are pushing 40K words at this point, I think. Cut-n-paste might be problematic.

We need britpicking for the british cahracters, a check for logic holes (we've shifted a couple of characters in and out), and a pass for rules of writing (I tend to draft in present, but revise in past and I'd like to think that we've caught them all, but OMG forty thousand words and months of revision), if you don't mind.


Re: Got an answer from the other side of the shared writing brain. wolfrick May 28 2009, 18:09:29 UTC
Please email me directly at Rick.Berry@Gmail.com
I can handle word documents fine.
How do you want me to annotate?


Re: Got an answer from the other side of the shared writing brain. jenna_thorn May 28 2009, 21:51:13 UTC
Hey, do you want me to delete this comment since it has your email on it?

Word Track Changes is fine or just making comments in another color is cool too. that's how we tend to do it, I mark mine in green and she amrks hers in pink and we use red if anyone else is working on it and so early drafts are quite colorful, then go to boring black and white as we fix things, so that's good too.


Beta for Stranger Things jenna_thorn June 29 2009, 15:32:17 UTC
Hey, I was just chekcing to see if you'd received the four files I sent on May 28th. they should have come from my gmail account are are four separate doc files called Stranger things first half, second half, thrid half (we had to split again - long story) and prequel.

Hav you had a chance to look at them? If you've gotten swamped with other things, no worries. We've gotten the other beta back and she's done a meticulous line edit (I hang my head in shame. To be fair, I spotted about four misplaced commas and one missing period right after I hit send. It's something about hitting send that makes them spring into life, I swear.) so if you've had a sudden attack fo real life, no pressure.


Re: Beta for Stranger Things wolfrick June 29 2009, 16:12:07 UTC
I received them, but yes, I have been swamped with schoolwork and stuff around the house ever since.


Re: Beta for Stranger Things jenna_thorn June 29 2009, 17:56:44 UTC
Cool, schoolwork always comes first.


jenna_thorn May 28 2009, 13:57:37 UTC
Oh and as for Sharpe:

You don't really need it, I suppose. We've got a little more leeway on those two, since any bobbles will be covered byt he fact that they are reincarnate and not the originals.

But if you've seen the first one, that'll give you all you need for Richard and Pat.


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