Psyche Shudder

Apr 18, 2007 06:34

This morning in one dreamset, I dreamt the following:

1) I had to be at work for 24 hours, everybody at work hated me, and then the lights went out.  Something was going on, where people were excited and having a good time, but I clearly wasn't meant to be a part of it.

2) I missed my flight to Hawaii to run the marathon with my friends.  The plane had to come back and land again, so I thought I could get on, but no, they weren't letting anyone else board.  My keys and my phone were on board the plane, so I couldn't even really call anyone or go home.

3) I couldn't remember which hotel room my brother (who had driven me to the airport) and I were staying in, so I was wandering around the hallway with these thug-type people (some of whom may have been hookers), and the hotel had suddenly gone really old and skeezy.

4) My cats had both run off, seperately.  That part's hazy, but I knew there was something about me never seeing them again and bad things happening, because I couldn't find them.

5) In my grandmother's kitchen, Bette and Tina from the L Word got into a huge dramatic fight. This part was actually very funny, especially because I've always hated those characters.

All of these, except #5 were absolutely connected, one leading into another.  I dreamt once of drowning; this was not so different.  And now the thought of going to work makes me a litle nauseous.  But what's the call-in excuse for this?  "Hi, this is Jenn.  I'm feeling really overwhelmed in a generic way and I had a bad dream, I think I"m not coming in the day before my vacation."  Somehow I think that would not fly.

Speaking of flying, I have plane crash dreams a lot.  They have a specific timbre to them, and the plane dream this morning had that cast.  It didn't crash, though.  I watched it land safely.  I've never had a dream shot through the "plane crash" filter where the plane DIDN'T crash.  I've even had these dreams where it LOOKED like the plane was going to make it, but no.  Fireball.  Maybe it was because I actually knew people on board.  Maybe it was because I'm flying to Portland tomorrow, and the ole psyche said "No, this is quite enough, thank you."

I"m sensing a pattern here.  Both times I've turned in short fiction for publication, the next week has been hell.  The first time was self-esteem stuff.  Clearly I didn't learn the lesson, so this time it's anxiety.  Fuck that.  That's totally lame.  My psyche is going to have to do a lot worse than that if it really wants me to stop sending my shit out.
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