Apr 05, 2008 23:19
ive never necessarily believed in astrology, but my friend kymmy has this book, "the only astrology book youll ever need", and its really fucking interesting. i realize things about myself as i get older, and this book pretty much described all these things to a T. its so weird. i love learning about and analyzing myself. luckily libras dont seem like difficult people to deal with...so i hope you all love me. haha. like i said, most of the things in that book were pretty damn accurate...except for the whole tangent with specific directions on how to massage my buttocks to get me arroused. hahaha. what the hell. anyway, the books cool. i dig it.
so lifes pretty much alright right now...its a vicious cycle. im miserable, then im really happy. i think a nice boy might help balance everything out and distract me...but i cant find one. i seem to have it engraved in my mind that i cant genuinely be interested in anyone anymore. oh well. im sure that will change. i just contradicted myself right there. awwww yeeeeah.
my big sister and my grandparents and little nephew are coming in town on the 11th! hell yes! i cant wait.
hey i went shopping today and yesterday. that makes me happy.
ps-30 year old men shouldnt act like theyre 16. just a little friendly info right there.
pps-i dont like my stupid haircut. im blonde now though. i can continue acting like an idiot then! yay! yay idiots!