Mar 03, 2005 10:05
I really hope it doesn't snow this weekend b/c one of my friends is having a party! That would suck if it rained and snowed but hopefully it would still go on. But I totally understand pple not wanting their house fucked up and shit. But I really feel like goin' so PLEASE have it! We've had parties like every day down here. And soon Jenna's BIG PROM PARTY will be comming up!!! That's going to be so much fun can't wait ;-)!!! Has everyone got their prom dress? IDK yet I might keep mine but I'll prolly look for more.
Tonight is the O.C. and Brent is going to come over and watch it w/ me, hopefully. We always watch it together its our show. We're kinda like Seth and Summer... I LOVE that show I can't wait until tonight ;-) its gonna be great!!!
I went to the tanning bed and got a lil burnt yesterday :-( Everyone is looking good!!! I hope I get tan lol. Everyone is so dark and look like they just got back from Floridia hopefully something good happens over spring break b/c I don't have anything BIG planned. But who knows what's gonna happpen!?! Me and Justine are supposed to go somewhere FAR and go shopping. We like to get crazy w/ credit cards lol ;) ....I hope everyone has a GREAT DAY at SCHOOL!!! Until next time...................Buh Bye!!!!!
MuCh LuV,