Oct 24, 2009 17:17
Not to long ago went back to a place I had spent part of my childhood growing up on.
It was a very small island n the St. petersburg -Tampa bay area. When was a chiild t was stll mostly undeveloped and the sea turtes used to come nest there. My brothers and I would walk to school over the bridge and along the shore . I for one poking at the diffrent things that had washed up over night. My brothers keeping me moving so they would not be late. Or fishng the pennies out of the water that I had let slip thru my fngers.
It was the place I learned to ride my little red bike. My mother being angry for me running my had up and down the wall while I was learning to ride.
All of this was passing thru my mind as drove along followng the GPS and then was there at the brdge that hadden't changed looked to the left as I went over the brdge and the little store on the cornner was still there.. I thought to myself "I'll be damed it's stiill there" It was the store we went to on halloween to get out free drink and candy. Then I turnned down my old street. did a very slow roll down the street looking for anything that I could recall. The picture in my mind was of a mail box.. me standng by it.or of the tree across the street. Or even the tree in the back yard. My father had put a rope up in the tree abd we would swng out of it onto my fathers boat. Even n my minds eye I can see him puttering thru the water in this boat bringing it home. After several calls to my mother was able to find the house. It had change i lttle the car port wasno more it had been turnned into another room. I got out of my truck and walked up to the house. spoke with the current resident and explained that I had lived there as a chld and would she mind very much f I looked into the back yard for the tree we used to climb up. The woman was very noncamital about that so didn't push it. It was her experiance that once you left a place you never went back.
spent about thirty minutes just looking around and then went home. As I thought about it I became more and more ajitated over it. I coulod not put my fingeron why I had become so agitated over going there and looking at that house that place or pulling up that set of memeories.
I talked to several of my freinds one respoce was.. what was I looking for?....and that sent me down another path of questions and adgitation. another friend said "hell i woulda gone just to go look"
and yet another of my friends related a return to her childhood home and the sadness it had brought her. of what was and what is now. The basic question still remand why had I gone. afer thnkng on ths spme more and causing my self lots of turmoil I am still ponderng that question but with a bit less inner turmoil