Sep 30, 2008 23:32
so here i am a freshmen is college. i cant believe it i didnt think the time would ever come. i have been here for about a month now and i am slowly but surely getting adjusted.. i like ti over all its fun and wild i ahve made some good friends who i feel like i will be close to after some time. my roomate is good so thats good we get along very well..classes are going oaky im acuatlly not doing that well..i am failing eveyrhitng in math..havent had anything in nutriotn..lingustics im achieveing great things. sociology nothing yet. astronomy mek well see how it goes. i have a math exam tommorw so that will make or break me.. i have been very stressed lately apparently i have been breaking out extremely bad .. i am scared to write papers just to much work..i went home a few weekends back and that was great casuse all of our freinds came home.. we went to the mall that day .then went to worecester state which later led to us going to a wpi frat which is where all hell broke lose. hookded up with a boy yes! hahah tragic life i live..tehn i went back and saw da big germ whcih was good. i was on a three week roll of seeing thigns are um hwo knows just im concerned for my well being..anyways what can yuo do hopefuly i get over him ten it wont be a concern. this weekened we went to a stop light party green single yellow taken i wore all three hahah fun fun times..i had a balst from the past that night cause i hooked up with a boy from da past sweeet life of zack and cody yes i think so..lets see what else..i had a lunch date with my sister today which was good so precious its good having some family up here evn though i dont see her that much its still comforting. me and alyssa hang out alot which is good again to ahve her here for some comfort too what else is new..i dot nkw collge is a whole new expereicne and for some reaosn i feel like i ahve adjusted pretty easily. i talk to my paresnt daily so thats fine whatever you know how it is. um. ya thats all i really have to say hopefully great thigns can achive i dont know i am in a stressful point in life ...but im going home soon so hopeufly that will erleive some stress agian.. i just miss some of the old things but im likeing new things too i dont know im jut a really conflicted person who cant let her emotions out i need to work on that cuase i have a serious probelm with showing my emotions i dont know why i dont know hwo i got into this but i just need to write to rmemebre everything in my life..oh and jackie for here skae i talk to her from time to time but its hard with differnet schedulaes and im sad to say we are drifting which was obvsioul oh well i kknow i can still come adn talk to her when i need to so it thats good at least..well i guess im leaving for now..see you in a few monthsh hahah or maybe in no timeb i have a lot of free time in collgee so you know ill do this more often okay well bye for now