Dec 01, 2003 18:52
Well I just wanted to say to the people on my friend's page, I know I don't comment often or address them, but I do read them.
What a strange way to meet people, over the internet. Only, I actually think it's a really good way to get to know people. It's just easier for people to say shit to someone if they don't have to look them in the eyes and say it. So it's a good way to get to know someone. Of course there are still fake people. I think some of the people I met are that way, not the people I became friends with but the people I would call acquaintances and some that I know but haven't actually met, a lot of them are fake. I'm not down with the fake shit. But I guess people are fake everywhere. But I see it and they don't know I see it.
So I guess I'm just learning that people have different motivations for what they do and what motivates someone else might not motivate me. I guess it was naive of me to think I could make friends in a situation where so many people are looking to gain something for themselves. I think some people need to latch on to people who are important.
I got an email a while from someone I did consider a friend for a long time saying I had one chance to explain myself for a certain situation. My inital reaction was to apologize because I never was trying to cause a bad reflection on anyone else, but now I don't feel bad because that person's only concern was her image with the band. The email makes me want to laugh because it's a friendship I wasn't completely sure was worth saving before this happened and for her to give me one chance to prove myself, well, get over yourself. Makes me think all those people who said she exaggerates her own importance were right.
Besides, I don't think I should have to explain myself or defend myself because I was the person who was the most hurt by the situation. And I was trying to find closure like everyone told me to do.
I'm soo fine with the fact that I'll never be important. I don't think in lots of ways, I'd want to be. So I don't think I saw those motivations in other people, now I do. I'm not bitter about it though cause I feel I'm better off without this person. With this person, I felt I couldn't completely, honestly express myself. So with all that having been said, I've also met some amazing people that I love and will always cherish my memories with. That sounds so cheesy but it's true.