It's 4:05 a.m. and I'm obviously wide awake, unfortunately the only bad thing about never being able to sleep is the narrow selection of pure shit on the television. I've resulted to watching The Boogeyman on HBO. I hate my life.
Anyway I figured out a good way to kill about an hour and so...
Maybe a little more than an hour considering Photobucket is completely incompatible with macs. Grr.
This is me in Laguna Beach, Megan and I went to eat lunch at this resort where her friend Dani worked. It was byootiful.
The next few are from the Sugarcult / Halifax show in Boston. Megan, Sveta and Kristen were nice enough to come out. It's a little convient that three of my best friends live in Boston so when the boyfriend comes through they all get to meet and/or hang out with him. We had fun. I got drunk. BY ACCIDENT!
Don't be fooled, both the boys in the last 2 pictures are Adam, he just changed his shirt. Durr.
The next few are from when Molly came down to NYC from Vermont for the weekend. It was a "welcome home/happy belated birthday" themed get-together among a few close friends. We got drunk, ate an entire cake from tasti d-lite, and I honestly can't remember the rest of the night. Oh yes I can, it involves me dancing like a fool at a very RETARDED CLUB i'm not going to name because I have pride. Ok it was Annex.
Pinky & the brain.........
its cool just cut me out!
I went to sit on the bed and was a good 12 inches off. ker-plunk.
The next couple are just a few camera phone pictures from when I was in LA for 2 weeks at the end of the summa.
Halifax played a show at some college up at Sonoma and me, Yana and Jen got to go with them so it was fun. We played frisbee and my boobs kept bouncing.
Me and Tommy. At Alana's house on her birthday :) just 2 days after mine!
Me and Adam went to Cafe 50's and my milkshake was super chunky.
Adam and I in philly sometime in July. I left the original photo in Megan's jetta that is sitting abandoned in the heat of Carlsbad California grr.
That same day but I had to crop it because the rest of the photo was just my fat legs.
I think that's it but I'll add more if I come across an archive of randomness....