So i guess in some crazy part of my brain i dont blame you. But i just one question....Does Brandon know? Cus if not Jeff will tell him on tuesday and it might be better if you tell if you would even care....
Re: Look, I don't care if it isn't my place. I'm a bitch.jenn_sparrowFebruary 19 2005, 16:16:00 UTC
you know anna, i have known about that for some time now, i just wasn't immature enough to start calling people names, and stupid crap like that....and actually i don't feel like shit, okay i am over feeling like that....and frankly i am getting real tired of the name calling, i don't care what you people call don't matter to me why should i care if you think i am a whore or what go ahead and waste your time and breath to call me names, i don't give a fuck
Steven should kill himself!kill_urselfFebruary 19 2005, 17:59:11 UTC
Steven is the worst person i know! So far it is his fucking fault and none of you can fucking see that! its his fault, no one ELSE! Why are you all getting on jen's case, it takes two to tango.
Re: Steven should kill himself!azureflutieFebruary 19 2005, 18:58:18 UTC
You say that like hes been forgiven...Like she has no blame in this...Im sorry did you see the posts? Probably not...Did she come to his office on VALENTINES DAY? Yes she did. She came to visit him at work...hummm....right she has no blame...Dont worry about steven he will get his own.
You all need to calm down.warriorartemisFebruary 19 2005, 19:46:37 UTC
Look, as someone whose been on that road as well, but not quite so far into it- meaning I was smart enough not to fall so deeply for his false charm as to fuck him. I'm sorry you two are having such a bitch fight, but Clayton is completely right in all of this. It's his fault. If the fucker had any decency, he would have NOT cheated so many times on ALL of his girlfriends. And if Anna Marie knew how to keep her legs closed, she wouldn't have had any part in this. I just think you both are stupid. Julie, we all warned you. You can't blame this on anyone but yourself that you got hurt. I'm just sick of Steven dessicrating my friends like this. He's a disease with no care of who he infects or what damage he does. He should be tested for schitzophrenia. I can't believe anyone SANE can hurt so many people with no care whatsoever. Jenn... I don't really blame you, because I didn't blame Anna Galli when Steven cheated on me with her. It's the same thing. You were caught in his bull shit just like we were. I just don't understand it at all
( ... )
Re: You all need to calm down.azureflutieFebruary 19 2005, 20:16:44 UTC
I dont know if you really know what happened...Maybe you just heard rumors or whatever...But you probably should not run your mouth. Yeah you all told me....No shit. Please dont tell me i am the one to blame for my pain. I dont know what twisted world you live in but i can blame my pain on whoever i wish, and at the moment its on those who are causing the pain. Dont worry its not like I dont see my own part in this. I do see it....But dont tell me im the one to blame.
To All That Have Been With Stevenangelic_darkFebruary 19 2005, 19:51:25 UTC
I agree with Clayton. You all have made the mistake of giving the man your heart. It is his fault he broke it. Yes, it may have broke his heart in the process too, but if you keep doing the same stupid mistakes then what do you expect?
I know that you are in pain Julie but like you said you will get over it. You will go to new and better places. Please try not to be bitter. I understand that if I was in your situation I would hate Jenn, even if I was friends with her, for a very long time. But I havn't and I hope never to be in that situation. I am Jenn's friend and as her friend I ask you to back off Jenn and try to settle your feelings so that you can move on.
Jenn, what you did was wrong as I am sure you know. It was bad and I hope you learn from it. I hope you never make the stupid mistake again. Personally, I don't know why you did it or what was ever running through your head. I just hope you never do it again.<3
Re: To All That Have Been With Stevenkill_urselfFebruary 20 2005, 09:49:09 UTC outside, and not worried at all about this... why keep wasting time on it, this is so tedious. dont you have anything better to do?... watch tv...get a job!
Comments 30
It's okay though, he cheated on you with me the whole time.
Isn't this bitter? I hope you feel like shit. Your lack of self respect is appauling.
so fuck all of you! (not you jen)
You all have made the mistake of giving the man your heart. It is his fault he broke it. Yes, it may have broke his heart in the process too, but if you keep doing the same stupid mistakes then what do you expect?
I know that you are in pain Julie but like you said you will get over it. You will go to new and better places. Please try not to be bitter. I understand that if I was in your situation I would hate Jenn, even if I was friends with her, for a very long time. But I havn't and I hope never to be in that situation. I am Jenn's friend and as her friend I ask you to back off Jenn and try to settle your feelings so that you can move on.
Jenn, what you did was wrong as I am sure you know. It was bad and I hope you learn from it. I hope you never make the stupid mistake again. Personally, I don't know why you did it or what was ever running through your head. I just hope you never do it again.<3
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