May 30, 2006 22:09
Well, that's it I want to shoot my CO.
I had stuff planned for the next couple weekends, and what does he do? he goes and plans sail weekends for then, and Ihave to g oto these weekends cause if I don't go, I won't get my sail levels, and if I don't get my sail levels I can't be promoted.
So I'm missing out on:
Cadet-world does toronto; I get to see some firends from elsewhere in the GTA-ish area come down to toronto, and I wold have faced, my uber le tres fucking grande mucho, fear of seeing him again, and not have to live in constant fear, on no, what if I see him? will I cry? so that's out the window.
And then the weekend after thaqt is 618's annual, and I REALLY REALLY REALLY need to go to taht, cause they came to ours for band-ness the LEAST we could do is go to theirs. but NOOOOOOOO we're on a fucking sail weekend.
and the weeke3nd after that, well it was a chance to hang iwth the gang before camp. ok so I've still got ONE weekenda fter that... and all the weekends inbewteen, but that's besdies the point. can I please shoot him? or you know knock him over the head with a lee endfeild, REALLY hard.
UG on the bright side I'm going to CAmp, band camp (yes again) for 6 weeks, HMCS ontario, where i went last year, in kingston, for 6 weeks.