I'm proud to be an American

Jan 25, 2006 16:25

Hey everyone!!

I haven't updated in a while, but that's because nothing too huge has been happening...until now!! While most of you have decided to go to college and have been accepted, yada yada, I have been making alternative plans (as a few of you know) of going into the military.  Yesterday I took a sample ASVAB test and did pretty well on it and my recruiter wants me to take the real one next Monday.  Guys I'm so excited...I might be a Marine!! The Marines are a special branch of the military and it just feels so right to be going into it.  Gosh, it's so hard to explain, but I know it's right. My parents are behind me on the 100 %, but my biomom isn't too thrilled. But I guess she'll just have to get over it sooner or later!!

Well, I just thought I should let you all know and I hope you all stay strong as you go off to college after the summer ((hopefully I'll be seeing you before then..!)) TTFN

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