Alex and I became good friends...behind him is Ben...he's a good guy. Alex and I had the same
major (any guy in theatre is gay if they say otherwise...riiiight :P)
Ben from another state. He's a complete sweetheart!
Heather is 16 and was accepted to Juliart (however you spell it) she was too young so she has to
complete a few music courses at Bama before pursuing her musical dream...she's awesome...
she is much like me to an extent
A real lady's man...he walked into the room with hickies on his neck and bite marks on his back
I forgot his
One of the many beautiful Ashley's I met
Alex and me
There weren't any real cute guys there...oh, well...
I thought I looked pretty good this night so I took pictures :P I'm a camera whore I can't help it...I always
have my camera for any reason!
I got my hair cut a couple days after these were taken so my hair is a little shorter and I got a
straightener so I can staighten my looks pretty cool...I wanted red highlights but mom can be
a twit sometimes...oh well
That one was after the comedy club
This one is my favorite...everyone else seems to like it also (on my facebook)
Here are some from the 4th of July...even though I think Chris and I are broken up...I haven't heard from
him in almost 3 weeks...I talked to his step-dad though...I was just a little worried, but Donald said he was fine...I guess sometime I may hear from him and we can sort thing out.
They played touch football...
For some reason I really like this picture of him running..he looks very attractive in it...*shrugs*
His mommy
The end...I don't have anymore pictures... :)