Apr 07, 2006 12:59
I unexpectedly received a day off today. When I heard yesterday I began dancing around, making the people not getting a day off scowl at me. Here is what I have done with my day:
Wake up. Watch "Firefly" episode. Clean for an hour. Torment dog with vacuum cleaner. Watch more "Firefly." Clean for a bit.
You see how fruitful this stolen day is?
Oh well, it's only 1. We're out of all sorts of cleaning supplies, so I have to go out with the pup, swing by the Dogpark, and go grocery shopping. I've decided that for the next week I am going to be vegan. I don't know quite why I decided this- probably because I'm bored. I've started collecting yummy vegan recipes and I have to go shopping for vegan food. If I don't like it, then when the week is up I'll have a quiche or something. Who knows, maybe I'll love it and feel so virtuous I'll do it forever, or at least when there isn't sushi around.
Hmm... I think I'd better classify sushi as vegan anyway. Fish aren't really ANIMALS.... they're, uh, plants.