Aug 23, 2006 14:11
I spent last night at Adams.
Romantic, you might think?
Dup knows the truth on that one
b/c I was im'ing with him while
I was there.
doing a fantasy football draft.
Adam asked me to do it, so..
did you know that the FF draft
3+ hours.
And apparently that was quick.
So I stayed up later than I wanted,
didn't sleep well, then had to get
up early for work.
Then after work, I was trying to go
to the commisary,
and there are TOO many people that
don't know how to freaking DRIVE..
Apppppareently after I almost got hit,
there was a funeral party.. HELLO
if you're TOGETHER, why don't you try
turning on your flashers or at LEAST
turn your freaking lights on.. I couldn't
figure out why so many people were running
the damned stop sign..
THEN when it was FINALLY my freaking turn
to turn left, some ASSHOLE decided that
they'd waited too and went straight..
BASTARD. beep at me.
then the comissary was a biatch.. too many
old people.
really.. avoiding Ft. Myer is a good idea when
I'm tired..
maybe I'll go try and nap again before tae kwon
do.. i might not make it.