Jun 26, 2007 19:14
I swear, these are the worst behaved 8 year olds I have EVER seen. If some of these kids were my kids, I'd bitch slap them for the way they're acting. There is no excuse for not only NOT listening to, but completely defying an authority figure when you're that age. You obviously can't be trusted to do anything yourself. I think we need to get like, Super Nanny in here. Or maybe a boot camp sergeant. I bet that would make a big difference. Not to mention, these kids are some of the most pansy ass kids I have ever met. Today, a girl actually came up to me and complained of her tooth hurting because it was loose. Okay? What the hell do you want me to do about it?! Suck it up...rub some dirt in it! I blame the parents. They complain about the DUMBEST shit. One kid's mom bitched about how we didn't have a snack time. JESUS CHRIST! How old is your kid?! Certainly not 4...though he definitely acts it. Then there are the ones that insist on doing the exact opposite of what we say. "Hey, can you give me that ball so I can put it up?" Then the kid throws it on the other side of the gym. Okay, thanks, I hate you. And to think, tomorrow we are supposed to go to Blizzard Beach. A vast majority of the camp isn't going (again, because of their pansy ass parents who are scared for their well being). If you can't listen and behave at camp, how are you expected to behave in a giant theme park?! I have to be at work at 7am tomorrow. I work an 11 hour shift. Jennifer is not going to be a happy counselor, but I'm hoping the day goes well.
The world has become one big, giant pansy. I know this sounds weird coming from a psychology major, but parents have got to stop being so concerned for proper development and social well being, and actually discipline their kids! I'm sorry, but on a lot of kids, a simple sit down and talk session is highly ineffective. Sometimes, a kid just needs to be hit. They won't ever do that again, let me tell you. Now, by hit I don't mean knocked unconscious, but definitely a spanking or SOMETHING. I've found that grounding doesn't go well either. The kid will just find something else to entertain them while that other thing that was taken away is gone. Then they'll be doing some other annoying ass thing.
Another thing is that a lot of parents are too concerned with their own lives to pay attention to their kids, and therefore the kids act out. Any kind of attention is better than being completely ignored, even negative attention.
A lot of parents also take their kids off of their ADHD medication during the summer (thanks a lot, jackasses), which doesn't help. I won't go into my "ADHD is over diagnosed" rant, but for the ones that TRULY have it, it proves to be a real issue.
I'm not supposed to hate this job. I loved it last year, and I still like it, but these kids are so damn ridiculous, it's insane. I don't understand why nothing is being done at home. There's no reason for this to be occurring, other than a lack of parenting.
It's great working here really, because now I can learn from other parents' oh so obvious mistakes, and pick and choose which ways I will, and which ways I WON'T raise my kids.