Feb 04, 2011 01:01
Tuesday, well, sucked. Lots of ice. Lots of sliding and slipping. Though at least Miracle didn't pull on the leash. But considering when walking her and Topaz I almost fell a few hundred times, decided to not walk Rome. Felt kinda bad about it, but with how things were covered in ice, figured it was safer. I didn't manage to convince either dog to go to the corner until the nighttime. Went to help out Liz in the evening though for a bit. Talked to Regan about her laptop, and then talked to David and then talked to Regan some more. And talked to Melanie at night. Also found out that Miracle is skeered of the sound of breaking ice and glass. She shook like a leaf most of the night. Stupid leaf kept waking me up.
Wednesday yet more ice had come. I hate freezing rain at night. The plus side to the cold weather is I have a 60lb heat source in the form of Miracle since she believes she is a lapdog. Stayed inside unless I was walking Miracle or taking Topaz out. Oh, and went to Lizs for a few hours. Talked to David a couple of times. Squeeness! Also gotta talk to Melanie and Jess online. Amazing, hehehe.
Thursday since it was nicer out, some of the ice is melted, decided it was safe to walk Rome. Just a 20minute walk but we had fun. Found out Julie, a lady who loves Rome and is friends with Tori, is also helping out with him. He jumps sometimes to say hi to people he knows. We also passed by Bingo, a Lab/Pit mix being walked by his kids. Rome did really well. Stayed on loosh leash and only stood up after Bingo barked at him. Woot!! Loved on the dogs when we got home. Went over to Lizs again. Actaully was able to walk Miracle for more than a block. We walked around John Burroughs, yay! Good for both of us. Doing nothing cept internet stuff. Talk to Jess.
Friday am going to Petco, we'll see how Miracle does in a crowd. Might be going to Pearls of Wisdom with Liz. Will hoping talking to Melanie and David. Saturday hoping will see David. Sunday hang with Josh in afternoon. Hide away during SuperBowl. Ta!