Title: Stormy Seas
jenmstar E-mail: jenstar2421@yahoo.com
Pairing: SB/OB
Rating: PG-13 (for hints of a sub/dom relationship)
northern_softy orlandoslash fellow_shippers bean_squee troy_rpsDisclaimer: This is all fiction.
Beta: None. Please let me know if you find any mistakes.
Notes: 1) Sub!Sean and Dom!Orli again.
2) Happens before
The Quiet After the Storm and
Calmer Waters 3) Hopefully this will answer some of the questions people had about what happened.
The only sound Sean heard is the pounding of the blood in his ears and for a moment he thinks that perhaps the word hadn't in face passes his lips, but then the body behind him moved and a wave of shame washed over him at his failure to handle whatever Orlando wanted him to take.
Orlando walks away from the bed on trembling legs, his mouth dray with the taste of his failure to see the line until he hurled Sean right across it. He sits outside the door, the sound of Sean's voice saying that word ringing in his ears.