Feb 25, 2005 01:08
*peeks out*
Hi all!
Damn it's been a while. I got to the point where I just couldn't bare to wade through my flist every day, thought communities I didn't care about anymore and entries of people I friended only because I liked their stories in a fandom I don't care about any more but never even commented in their own journal.
So... I'm planning on re-doing my flist here in the next couple days, adding communities I want to see more of and taking out communities of fandoms I don't care about any more.
I certainly don't want to remove any person from my flist who wants to be here, so if you want to be kept for certain, please drop a note, but I don't think I'm going to be removing too many people, but just in case.
And yes, fics should be coming back soon. I have several hand written that I need to type up and post. So if you've stuck around for the fics, then fear not, they are returning!
Anyway, much love to my flist and I hope to be seeing all of you soon!