Title: Gone Dancing
jenmstar E-mail: jenmstar@gmail.com
Pairing: Orlando Bloom/Viggo Mortensen
Rating: PG
fellow_shippers orlandoslash vigorleancult Disclaimer: This is all fiction.
Beta: None. Please tell me if there are any mistakes.
Notes: For the
28 Character Challenge.
rifleman_s's pick: dancing!Viggo
“Come on, Vig. You never go out with us. Just come this once, then we'll stop bugging you,” Orlando pleaded, having successfully managed to corner Viggo in the trailer.
“You never stop bugging people,” Viggo points out good naturedly.
“You'll have fun, I promise,” Orlando cajoled, ignoring Viggo's previous statement. “Just come for an hour or two, have a drink, dance a bit, and if you aren't having fun, you can call it a night.”
“I don't know,” Viggo said hesitantly. “I haven't danced in years.”
“Everyone can dance,” Orlando said, nodding encouragingly. “I'll even dance with you...”
* * * * * * * * * * * *
“What was that all about?” Sean asked Craig as they watched Elijah, Dom, and Billy chase a red-faced Orlando around the set with a stereo blaring a song Sean was sure he had not heard in decades.
“Oh, that,” Craig said, looking after the group and smiling. “Well, you know how Orlando's been following Viggo around for weeks, trying to get him to Viggo to hang out with him and the rest of those guys because he's too scared to just hit on the guy. Turns out Orlando finally convinced Viggo to go with them to that club they like last night.”
Sean started smiling, the idea of Viggo out with the four lads at a club rather amusing to say the least. “And how do you know this?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at Craig.
“Had a date last night,” Craig said, brushing off Sean's question. “So, anyway, Orlando finally gets Viggo to agree to get out on the dance floor with him and Viggo starts dancing like someone out of Saturday Night Fever and wouldn't stop.”
“I see,” Sean said, laughing as the sound of the Bee Gees started drifting across the lunch tent. “Hopefully in the future Orlando will to be carefully what he wishes for...”