ugh, LIFE!

Jan 31, 2008 22:02

so this is me, at age 20 now. I'm a sophomore in college and I wish I had some sort of a game plan for what I'd like my future career to be like. I know this:

I want to be successful
I want to be happy
I want to write

That's about it as far as it goes on a simple level. Then I took this history class and now I'm taking this other history class and now I'm starting to think this:

I want to be successful
I want to be happy
I want to write
I want to learn more about classical and medievel times
I possibly want to become a history major??

Jen, you're insane. Come to a friggen conclusion already, seriously. Mom and Dad are spending lots of money so you can become SUCCESSFUL and HAPPY.

Geesh, this is tough. On top of that, tomorrow, for prob the easiest course I've ever had to take, I'm giving a speech. Not just a speech, I can usually pull those off rather nicely. This isn't even requiring research but I, being the dumbass, impulsive young woman that I am decided I would play guitar and SING in front of my classmates. Wow, way to go, that prob wasn't the greatest idea. Or maybe it is... I just hope to GOD I don't flush so much everyone thinks I have hives...

... and that I don't sing out of tune...

... and that I don't have any trouble with my guitar... That would be so embarrassing.

On top of school there's work. Now everyone's saying, "you work in retail, how hard can it be, stop bitchin." True, and truthfully I do enjoy my job most of the time. It sucks now because it's a slow time of year and there are no hours. I may have to quit and leave my second family to find a new job because it's difficult to pay for gas to go to school... seeing the pattern here? I talked with my DM tonight and he wants to offer me a management position in Chambersburg... Which, from Shepherdstown, feels like it's on the other side of the world. I am fighting, and I know most of my team members are, to keep me in my store, promoted, where I rightfully belong. (humph)

I ended up having a really good time Saturday night partying with some of the people we met in Virginia. I found out that all this time I've had a hidden love for beer pong and that at times, I'm rather good at it. I was proud to show off my chopping skills and I'm very proud to say that only one person was creepy. (those are good odds.) All in all, I'm finding myself becoming more and more obsessed with the APW and loving every second of it, even if the shows are only once a month.

Jerk: "I never thought I'd see the day when you saw a guy coming to the ring in spandex and thought he was hot."

Yep, it's true. I'm swooning for someone who doesn't even know I exist. It's a classic case of the grade school crush and I've got it BAD. The good part is I've already met some really cool people and I've changed so much as a person that hopefully (crosses fingers) none of the past events come up and people don't get the wrong idea from who I used to be... Or who I sometimes maybe wish I never was...

That is all for now so ENJOY LIFE!
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