(no subject)

Feb 13, 2009 15:08

Wow, my life is insane.

First, JP was laid off yesterday. It sucks, but we'll get by as long as he can find a job within the next month. He'll be heading to New Mexico soon to do some job hunting out there, and try to get us moved. I would LOVE that, but he may have to go drive a forklift for considerably less than he was making in IT. If anyone knows of an IT job in the Houston area or anywhere in a desert climate (preferably in NM, but any desert is good) then send the info my way.

Second, Mack has his first bona fide crush. It's about the right time, I guess. I knew it would come along eventually, but it means my baby isn't so much of a baby any more! Unfortunately, the object of his affection is a 7th grader!

Mack wanted to get her something special for Valentine's Day, so he used his money and bought her a sketch journal, a mini stationary kit and a small box of chocolates, plus a bag to put it all in. This kid has it BAD! As I helped him get it all together last night, he told me, "You're the best mommy in the world. Thank you!" to which I callously replied, "Remember that when she breaks your heart, kid." The look on his face... there are no words! He asked, "What do you mean?" and I replied, "you'll know when it happens." Am I a bitch or what?

Anyway, the note he wrote her said something about how she was his bestest friend or something, and had nothing about love. That's something, I suppose.

Third... I have jury duty, and so far I can see no way of getting out of it. *grumble* Guess I need to go in with my pain pills and heating pad, and all the other accoutrements of a chronic pain condition, and then tell them I think cops are idiots on ego trips and see how fast I get thrown out. I have never been to jury duty before, and I've always managed to not go because of being a single mother and a college student. I don't have either of those excuses now.. I don't want to go. Let others go - you know, those wackos that LIKE jury duty.

Time for me to go home and play some Rock Band with the family. W00t!

mack, jury duty, jp, valentine

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