My house...

Dec 05, 2007 11:22

All about my house - as seen on wenlock's journal

  1. When you walk in your front door, which room do you enter?
    I usually go in the front door if I park outside of the house. If I park in the garage, then I use the garage door.

  2. Do you have a dishwasher?
    Yes, and I will NEVER go without a dishwasher ever again. Actually, washing dishes is kind of relaxing - quite the Zen activity. I don’t mind washing if I’m angry, because I end up working through my anger by the time I’m done.

  3. Is your living room carpeted or does it have hardwood floors?
    My living room is carpeted, although if I had it to do all over again, I’d go for the hardwood floors. My carpet is nice, though. It’s the Berber carpet, and the color is called “Herbal Tea.” It has all sorts of browns, tans, grays, blues, greens and reds in it. Don’t get me wrong - the coloring is very subtle. If you just glanced at it, you might say it was a grayish tan.

  4. Do you keep your kitchen knives on the counter or in a drawer?
    I keep my good knives in the block they came in. My parents gave them to me for my birthday, I think. Either that or it was last Christmas.

  5. House, apartment, duplex or trailer?
    I live in a house, and while I love my house, sometimes I wish I lived in a duplex again. I miss the closeness with my neighbors that you can only get by sharing a wall.

  6. How many bedrooms is it?
    My house has three bedrooms plus an “owner’s retreat” that I have turned into an office. It could easily be closed off and made into another bedroom, though.

  7. Gas stove or electric?
    Gas. I prefer gas over electric, but I sure would like to have one of those nice flat top ranges.

  8. Do you have a yard?
    I have a yard, and it is too darn big! It doesn’t get the love and attention it should have.

  9. What size TV is in the living room?
    I have a 55” Widescreen HD projection television in the living room. It replaced a 47” big screen that I had owned for nearly 10 years. I rather like having a large television. It makes it easier to read the captioning and see every little thing on the screen.

  10. Are your plates in the same cupboard as your cups?
    Um, yes. Should they not be?

  11. Is there a coffee maker sitting on your kitchen counter?
    I have never considered putting the coffee maker anywhere else. Since we bought one that grids the beans as well as brews the coffee, now I can put away the grinder.

  12. What room is your computer in?
    Let’s see… there’s one in the dining room, one in the living room, three or four in the office, one in Mack’s room, one in my room, plus when JP and I bring home our work laptops… well, we have a lot of computers.

  13. Are there pictures hanging in your living room?
    Yes, and both are prints of paintings by William Bouguereau. He is my absolute favorite artist. I’m not that crazy about his angels and cherubs, but he does a lovely job on the common people.

  14. Are there any themes found in your home?
    I think the main theme in the home is “Jen doesn’t know how to decorate or even color coordinate to save her life!” Sad, really. My seeester probably has fits whenever she comes over. The last time she was there, she rearranged my living room and front room. She’s very good at that sort of thing. (No, Bliss, I did not move anything back to where it was.)

  15. What kind of laundry detergent do you use?
    I use All Free and Clear, or something like that. I have sensitivities to most laundry detergents, so I try to use only “hypoallergenic” stuff. Tide gives me hives.

  16. Do you use dryer sheets?
    Yes, but only unscented and only in the winter when static is more of a problem. Otherwise, they are a waste of money in my opinion. Plus, I don’t like the way they leave the clothes feeling.

  17. Do you have any curtains in your home?
    I should have more curtains up. I have them, they just aren’t hung at the moment.
    • I have a pair of copper organza panels in the living room. They have a lovely leaf and vine patter stitched in a natural colored jute-type material.
    • The dining room has black sheers over the two windows.
    • The kitchen has some kind of tan cotton with green and brown leaves.
    • The front room has nothing, although I was going to put some white sheers up.
    • The guest room has white sheers.
    • Mack’s bedroom has denim curtains. I love how dark it makes his room.
    • The office is supposed to have a mossy green panel over its big window, but for now it just has blinds.
    • I don’t have any curtains up in the bedroom either, although I had planned on making some out of this lovely blood-red sheer material I bought.
    • The master bath has tan cotton curtains up over the frosted window, but that’s more for decorator effect.

  18. What color is your fridge?
    My fridge is black, with the freezer on the bottom.

  19. Is your house clean?
    Hell, no! Puh-lease. I work all day, I drive an hour both ways, I pick up the kid, help him with homework, cook dinner, and get myself ready for bed. I try to pick up as I go, but some things need a thorough cleaning. Like my whole house.

  20. What room is the most neglected?
    I’d say the front room or the office are the most neglected areas of the house. They don’t get used like they should, they are cluttered and could use a good cleaning. We don’t like spending time in there.

  21. Are the dishes in your sink/dishwasher clean or dirty?
    The dishes are clean. Clean dishes stay in the dishwasher until they are used or put away when it’s time to run another load.

  22. How long have you lived in your home?
    I have been in my house for four years now, I think. Maybe three and a half. I can’t remember.

  23. Where did you live before?
    I lived in my dad’s house, which was exactly five miles away from my current house.

  24. Do you have one of those fluffy toilet lid covers on your toilet?
    Icky! I live with two guys (well, a guy and a boy). I would have to wash it daily to keep it from growing a colony of al sorts of nastiness. Yes, I am talking about a lid cover. I’d hate to even think about having a seat cover.

  25. Do you have a scale anywhere in your house?
    Yes, it’s in the foyer. That was about the only place I could put it where it would be mostly out of the way, but still accessible.

  26. How many mirrors are in your house?
    Two. One in each bathroom. I am not a mirror person. My dad, on the other hand, had mirrors in every room, and sometimes two or more!

  27. Look up. What do you see?
    The ceiling at work. The overhead lights are off. Thank goodness. I can’t stand being blinded by fluorescent lights.

  28. Do you have a garage?
    Yes, and I love when it’s clean enough for me to park in it. Right now, it’s a storage shed.

Another interesting tidbit: my house's name is Kirk. Every morning when I leave, I tell Kirk, "see ya later!"


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