Saturday fun

Nov 05, 2006 22:21

Yesterday, Mack and I went to the Texas Renaissance Festival with d4klutz (a.k.a. JP), Phil (no LJ), my seeester mandymcbliss, her boyfriend Jeff (who never updates his LJ forrestjeff) and my "other sister" Tammy (does she have an account?). We had a BLAST! I had taken a short video of the fireworks display at the end of the day, but I accidentally hit the wrong button combination on the camera and it's all gone now. *sob*

I had told everyone I wanted to get an "early start" and get on the road by 8:30. We left the house about 8:45, and as we were about to exit the freeway to pick Phil up I realized I had left the tickets at home. We went back to the house after getting Phil, then we headed over to the seeester's house to caravan with her, Jeff and Tammy. After a coffee stop we were on the way.

Mack was pretty good most of the day. He opted to spend his alotted Faire Funds on a "Texas star" necklace and a dragon ring. He rode a camel (paid for by me), ate two pieces of expensive pizza and a way-overpriced Italian ice (that I bought him), got his face painted (which cost a pretty penny out of my pocket) and then complained that I never buy him anything. Brat.

I bought an incense bottle and incense sticks from Ananda Trader. I also picked up a belt, pouch and mug from Dream Shoes and two leather bracelets from some other leather goods place. I spent way too much money, but we had so much fun that it was worth it.

I'm not sure what everyone else bought. I know JP picked up a kilt (black), and Phil bought two flutes and two shirts. I don't think Jeff bought anything, but my seeester bought a little decorative dangling-gem coronet-type thing and Tammy had something huge in a box - it may have been a clock.

Some woman scantily clad in chain mail over a bikini teased JP about his head being naked, and I shot back that she wasn't far from naked either. For some reason that totally made JP's day. He keeps telling that story to anyone who will listen.

Mack wanted to go on some weird jumping thing where they hooked you up swing-style to this bungee thing and then let you go at the bouncing. I really didn't know how to tell Mack that I thought he'd be scared out of his pants doing that, so I told him I was out of money. There may have even been a height restriction for it, since it seems there were only adults and big kids doing it.

We stayed for the fireworks, as I mentioned above. I think we all agreed they were better than most Fourth of July shows we've seen. After that, we made our way back to our vehicles, then went to dinner at Ryan's. I think they call it a "steak house" but it's really a buffet, and only a mediocre one at that. The trip home was uneventful and we crashed hard once we got back.

Today, my legs hurt so bad I can barely move, but I think it was all worth it. We are all happy.

ren fest

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