
Oct 08, 2006 19:23

I had a great day yesterday.
  • Went to an SCA event with Mack in tow.
  • He participated in some of the kid's classes and mostly just played with the other kids
  • I met up with fionna00 and another weaver and we had a great time.
  • We sat and wove and discussed the Egyptian diagonals and diamonds
  • went to Upstairs Studio where we talked to some ladies dyeing and felting and then we all bought yarn (and other stuff)
  • went back to the event just in time for Feast (which was actually pretty good, especially the asparagus!)
  • came home and finished weaving Mack's belt while watching X-Men III (I had a lot left to do)
I had forgotten how much I can get done while watching TV.  Maybe I have a reason now to watch regular TV again, although watching series and movies on DVD seems to be more efficient.

Next on my weaving agenda is to experiment with double-faced technique and possibly make a couple of favors in the process. Then I have a request to weave something specific for someone, which I put in the yarn order for.

I'll have pics up soon of Mack's belt plus once I get started on the double-weave I might be brave enough to post about my experiments and subsequent failures and successes.


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