sick of the movies

Feb 13, 2006 10:38

It's Monday, and that means time to get back to work. I need a break from being sick, but it doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon. I feel so run down, but I don't have a fever (quite the contrary, I'm running cooler than normal at 96.7°) and my throat is only a little bit sore now. I am FREEZING.

I watched a lot of movies this weekend and didn't get much done other than laundry and one load of dishes. After going through all of my movies looking for stuff to watch (didn't time Netflix rentals just right this time), I realize I have a lot of movies I need to get rid of. I mean, I knew it before, but it really drilled it home when I was looking through my collection and wondering why the hell I bought this or that movie. I've spent a lot of money on movies and it's not necessary. I buy the kid movies for Mack. He watches them, though. For myself, I could probably keep it down to about 30 DVDs total that I would watch again and again. That would be some serious pruning from the nearly 200 I have just for myself. I won't even mention the number of movies Mack has.

I must say that it was nice to have a whole weekend of napping and movie watching. I haven't done that in a long time. In fact, I probably haven't done that since mandymcbliss loaned me the first two seasons of Alias on DVD. d4klutz and I spent a lot of weekend time watching those because they were so addictive!

I should really make an effort to work this morning. I just don't have the energy to think.


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