Apr 25, 2005 22:00
Hey ppl...Im back n some what lost. I havent realy been myself cuz all I have wanted is to cry n to have a big huge from H.A. I have been talkin to him ever night before I go to bed...I stuply miss him. I dont want to get hurt agian n He knows that all I want from a relationship is to be told the truth. We stuply have plan when I trun 18 years old. Im to live with him n cook for him monday to friday n dud get a job. On saturday n sunday he is to cook for mine or to take me out...ya I know Im stuped. Also today I want to my first youth group. I really like it n I had fun. Max is still so cute, but I learned that Max doesnt like other guys that get to close to me...lol...my mom thinks that is a good thing cuz she says that he is drive away the guys...lol...ya, like that would ever work. Im talkin to Mary but Im still goin to keep my distinedn not trust her fully but ya. I'm kinda tried so luv ya all n good night