OK, I'm about ten minutes into the first episode of the season, and can I just say that
they totally faked me out last season! I was completely bummed that Colby was a spy, and I thought it was such a ballsy move. Well, OK, so much for the ballsy, but whatever - I'm glad he's not a spy. Or, a double agent. Or triple. Whatever. Anyway... I just hope they don't, like, kill him by the end of the ep or anything.
Hee. Charlie said ginormous. About Don's ego. Love.
Is that Val Kilmer? Like, an older, heavier Val Kilmer than I remember?
Well, look at that. IMDB tells me that it is Val Kilmer. Huh.
Colby looks like he's been working out in the pokey.
OK, good ep. I just love these people.