This will be a long entry about Zhou Mi again but it is very different this time, so if you don't want to hear me rambling, you all don't have to.
Oh and sorry for the horrible writing if you read it.
So most everyone that knows me knows that I am a fangirl of Zhou Mi and that I claim him to be my "husband" ha ha ha. I ask myself though sometimes do I "love" him enough though. Do I defend him against everyone that hates him or that talks bad about him? I know the answer to that second question is No, I do not. I always feel bad when someone says, "I defended this or I defended that and I feel proud for doing so" and I can't claim that to be true for my own self. I am a person with not so much confidence, but I am trying to change myself to improve of what I think about myself. Sometimes I feel that to change myself I must do this or I must do that, but now I realize maybe I don't. That he will be able to feel my love from where ever he is at, is that a childish thing to think of?
I was talking to someone the other day and they said to me, don't see it that you have to defend him and attack everyone that attacks him, you are showing your support towards him in a different way, just because you are not doing it doesnt mean you love him less than anyone else. I thought to myself maybe that is true, you know, but I still want to defend him and protect him against everyone that is against him. This feeling won't go away. I might be too harsh on my self, but I feel as if im not doing enough, as if I have to do something more.
I love the other SJM members, don't get me wrong. I truly love them to death, everyone of them. There is something about Zhou mi that gets to me. The way he always smiles though he knows that there are people that hate him. He has such a beautiful smile, maybe that's what got me to like him, ha ha ha. How can people hate him, I truly dont understand it. I truly dont. He is so talented, so smart. Maybe that's just me being biased, ha ha ha. Is it bad that everytime I see him happy, I'm happy or when he cried in that interivew I cried with him. I notice everyhing he does, all those times he acts cute things. I'm not really in love with him or anything, though my words may indicate other wise. I have a huge respect for him, maybe thats why I'm saying these words. If I didn't I wouldnt be saying anything right now and I would keep silent.
I know its not good to look up to someone because heroes don't exist, but to me I feel that he is my hero. Why am I so cheesy, I myself don't know. I know this might sound like a childish dream, but one day, many years in the future I want to go to China. To china to find him and to thank him for being who he is, to thank him for being in SJM, and to thank him, for existing for his fans. I am usually a realist and never a dreamer, but for this dream that I hope will come true, I will become a selfish dreamer. I write this not to make anyones love feel less than mine. No, I write this to let every one know, what I think and to thank those people that love him. Thank you for supporting him, thank you for defending him, and thank you for knowing what he is about.
Edit: I was talking to someone about this entry and felt that this should be added. How is it that people feel the need to put someone else down, to pretend he doesn't exist, to claim that they have bigger love for their idols. That concept I think I will never grasp. I couldn't look down on a Human being, just to say I love Zhou Mi and I'm proving my love to him by doing this and that to someone else's Idol. I know that Zhou Mi would not want a fan like that and many other idols wouldn't wish it from their fans. I am truly tired of this situation.
Remember this one thing, I wrote this not to start a fight with anyone. I wrote it as appreciation towards everyone and to let my feelings be known
Well, I don't want to bore you all with my talk of Zhou mi, so I will show you all some pics of him and SJM I Saved.