just the stuffs

Feb 06, 2009 13:16

So it's Friday. I am bored. I thought, "Eh, why not write a blurb"
What's new? Cut my hair yesterday. I went into the place my sister recommended and the guy said "what are we doing today?" I say "I dunno, I hate my hair" lol so he says "I have an idea" and goes nuts. Sure enough he gives me side bangs...shorter then I've had in 8 years. I think the look is growing on me. But I just love going places and saying "go nuts" I mean it's just hair right? However me and Julie look even more identical if you can believe it. Which is okay with me cuz I think she's very pretty.
What else? Oh going to florida in March. I have to finish Mike's passport this weekend, that is a stress. The guy puts his birth certificate through the wash!! So now the poor thing is tattered to all hell, and I'm worried they won't accept it with his passport forms. Ugh, the wash? Really? that boy...but if they do we're off to Florida for a week, so that is something nice to look forward too. Place to stay for free helped. THinking of checking out sea world cuz well...animals lol. And universal of course! Back to the future ride!!! hehehe And blue man group show which I hope will be worth seeing. I've heard good things about it. A day at disney world or two. And honestly as excited as I am and ready to do this, it is the so the opposite of saving for a house! But Ithink we really need to get away. Ugh horrible struggle in my head.
Anywho that's about it for now. maybe I'll get off early today, phones are quiet and no one is in. here's hoping!
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