Sssssongs for Sssssabotabby

Apr 13, 2012 09:38

1. If you'd like to play along, reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter.
2. You then list at least five songs that start with that letter.
3. Then, as I'm doing here, you'll post the list to your journal with the instructions.

Today's episode is brought to you by the letter S and by sabotabby who assigned me the aforementioned letter.

Subbacultcha - The Pixies
Salvation Barmy - MC Paul Barman
(She Was a) Hotel Detective - They Might Be Giants
Speeding Motorcycle - Daniel Johnston
Surfin Cow - Dead Milkmen
Street Spirit - Radiohead
Snake - PJ Harvey
Seeking Transport - Elevator Drops (this one's MySpace)


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