Retrospective Disclaimer: Turns out I'm an idiot.
I know, I know, you never saw that coming.
As pointed out in the comments by
scanner_darkly Rambo IV was actually made but it did not involve the Taliban. Snopes seems a little late with this one. Or maybe it's my feed. Anyway, just add one to everything and I think this post will still make some sense.
Snopes has officially squashed the rumor of a Rambo IV* with fighting against the Taliban and kicking Osama Bin Laden's ass. However, it makes no mention of him fight with the Taliban against the evil Russians in the third movie.
OK yeah it was the Mujahadeen, which became the Taliban. So I'm still right. Also Rambo is a Buddhist now. After murdering the shit out of people he, much like the Mongels, converted to their religion. I'd expect him to be Muslim in the rumored film. Or maybe Rambo V when he finally gets back to his roots and gets shot by a bunch of American rednecks. We'll call it First Blood II.*
Rambo III is kind of worth watching. Especially the documentary on the DVD. It's all about these strange peoples of this country you might not have heard of called Afghanistan and all the honor and magic and how they shit puppies.
Apparently there will be a Rambo IV* but it wont be a drawn out Grampa Stallone v. Bin Laden fight ala They Live!, so there goes any reason to bother seeing it.
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Comments are the usual youtube lulz.
And Even Siskel and Ebert seemed to have forgotten that brilliant film we knew as First Blood by the late 80s. Rambo II had a heart? Yeah, sure and blood and viscera...
* Should rumored, unmade or pretend films be italicized/underlined?