Living on Purpose & Money book giveaway

Mar 13, 2012 07:14

As I've mentioned in the past few posts, my longtime friend Beth White launches a new web-streamed radio show this week, Living on Purpose.

Her stepping forward to take on this adventure is inspiring to me, and an example of how we sometimes have to push ourselves out of our comfort envelopes to try new ways of exploring our connections with the world. For Beth, it's perfect; as soon as I heard that she'd been approached to do the show, I shouted YES!! Because she is smart, and funny, and opinionated, and able to talk at length about anything -- in a good way!

And I love that she's kicking it off with a show about money, because that's such a real stumbling block for many folks. Her guests, Hallie Hawkins, JD, CCRR and Shay Prosser, CDFA, CCRR, "are experts in helping people take control of their financial lives" (from the show promo). Hallie and Shay have written a book, Get It Together, which you can enter to win here. Just leave a comment (it can be anon., as long as you put your initials in there)

Winner announced Thursday, March 15! The show runs March 15 at 12 noon EDT, 9 am Pacific, but will be available for replay on demand after that.

Yay, Beth, and Hallie, and Shay! And Brian too, who's the publisher of the book -- I knew him as a smart musician guy in high school, and now he's a journalism professor and a publisher.
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