Coming Soon: Book Giveaway! My friend's radio show!

Mar 06, 2012 13:59

Hello everyone!
Beth White, my friend since KINDERGARTEN, is about to launch a new radio show, Living on Purpose -- next week! (she's also a reiki master in NYC!)

Her very first guests will include another friend (from high school), Hallie Hawkins, a co-author of this book: Get it Together: The Real World Money Guide for Graduates, published by ANOTHER friend of ours from high school, Brian McDowell, and his Log Cabin Books publishing co.

SO -- to celebrate our hometown connections -- I've ordered a copy of the book to give away.
(There will be a time delay of about a month as I am out of the country -- but I PROMISE I will send it when I return!)

I will post again soon with radio show details, contest details, etc.... check back tomorrow!
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