(no subject)

Dec 29, 2005 16:36

Since this year is almost over I've decided to do a little recapping of this year. Warning: This may be long and boring so grab something to eat if you are daring to read. Otherwise you may skip to someone elses shorter entry. :) No feelings will be hurt.

January: Year started off crappy. Turned 19, not a big deal. Although my last year as a teen. Started my second semester at PCC. Can you feel that excitement? Nothing much else happened in January. Its rather a very boring month.

February: Took a trip to Tally. Wahoo! Valentines Day was dumb. I didn't have a valentine besides my bestest. But no boy. :( Oh I went to St. Aug to visit the bestest. Other than that nothing much.

March: Celebrated St. Patties Day! by doing nothing. As always. Spring break but it was more like a week of working. Blah. Once again nothing else exciting happened.

April: Took another trip to Tally and sorta had an accident. Can you say hydroplaned? I can. Even though Cassie thought it was an April Fools joke since it happened on the 1st. "Hey Cassie, Guess what just happened? I just hydroplaned on I-10." "Jenny, stop messing around with me." "No, really I did. No joke." ::Jovan in the background:: "Cassie, I'm serious Jenny really did crash." "OMG Jenny are you ok?" Classic phone moment. Well I thought it was funny.

May: Finished my first year at PCC. No excitement there. A couple of days later, lost my job. Wahoo! J/K. Took a trip to the beach and returned a looking like a lobster. Fabulous! Got a new job. Wahoo! Started as a cashier at Publix. Fun times! Oh and also started summer school.

June: Summer School. Thats it.

July: 4th of July Cookout! Partying. And summer school ended. Meet a boy but that didn't work out.

August: Started my last year at PCC. Excitement there this time. Working mucho. Thats it.

September: Besides working and school nothing else.

October: Trip to Tally. Partying it up there. The little bro finally became an adult.

November: Trip to St. Aug. and then a trip to Tally on that trip to St. Aug. Thanksgiving break, but that wasn't too exciting. Oh wait, yeah it was cause the Gators beat the Noles. How could I forget that.

December: Naughts won state title for 2nd year in a row and National champs. Finish fall semester at PCC. Christmas party, a success. Starting training for front office at work.

Wow, this year has been filled with up and downs. But I have already established that in a previous entry. I just thought it would be cool to go back through the year and pick out some things that I did. I'm proud of whoever read this whole thing. You are a true friend or just someone who is extremely bored. I prefer the friend part though. Happy New Year to everyone. And may 2006 be a bit better than 2005. Cheers!! ::that was my toast::
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