San Diego here we come!

Jul 05, 2012 15:17

Hurray, in a few days 'neko-chan and I will be heading down to sunny San Diego for some fun (the Zoo & SeaWorld) and chaos (ComicCon). Here's hoping we get to see everything we plan to see and don't get trampled by the masses (which can happen so easily at ComicCon, it's scary).

Anyone else going to make it down there? We can swap (horror) stories about the crowds & lines and *everything* when we get back!

Biggest hope? That I can somehow magically get the coveted limited tickets that assures me an autograph from the Merlin cast and still make it to their panel...(anyone who's seen the Sunday schedule knows what I'm talking about)

Toodles all!
*toddles off to finish packing*
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