I fell in love with my camera again. And even more in love with photography. Dude, every time. Click to see just a couple from a fresh batch. (Hot off the ol' memory stick!)
Easy fun quick is the way to do it!!! Haha. Ian & Mike on the sampler n stuff! I loved it!
2-faced Mike (not really!)
This one's dedicated to Tommy, because he said we should make a whole collection of photographs just out of leaf/stick thingies we always construct at lunch.
Landy trying to catch leaves in his mouth. This pic makes me so happy. Makes me feel so free like I am! Now!
A door with a hole in it... totally asking for a moment from "The Shining" if you ask me.
One way! One path! Door number one, the best door ever!!!!!!
Today I went and visited HSE (Horizon School of Evangelism) and was totally moved and spoken to... I have lots to share, but next time! It's 3:30 am exactly and time for Miss Jenelle the four-hour napper today to go to bed!!!
Jesus ♥s you abundantly. Go live it!!!!