Snow is here!!!

Feb 08, 2007 19:58

Awww Man! It was sooo brilliant!!!!! We got up early, getting ready for school (for those of you who don't know, I'm the secretary at our local primary school where our 3 boys attend's about 4 doors down from our house..yeah, lucky huh!).. I phoned the school at around 8.15am to confirm it was open and IT WAS CLOSED!! Yay!!!!!! On that result, Ian decided he'd take the day off too and we all skipped off to the Old Hills for some serious sledging... The village all looked a Christmas Card infact, all white and sparkley... We got to the Old Hills around 8.30am and had joined some other people on the way.. we stayed for about 2 hours and in that time, loads of the locals had come up too and there was a weird sense of community (sounds kinda cheesy I know..but it was there!) and everyone was happily pushing and pulling each other on the sledges, the occasional friendly snowball fight broke out and everyone was just really excited and happy to be playing in the snow. The trudge home was agony, freezing, soaking and aching..but it was great to get in, sling all the wet clothes in the washing machine and drink some hot chocolate... I loved today. ^__^

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