longest day/adventure

Aug 10, 2006 09:39

this is pointless i just need to write it down for myself and show how long this was

[tuesday] wake up at 6. drive my mom to train station so i can have car for work. eat breakfast with my dad. shower and get ready for work. work 10-3, very long already full of ringing and cleaning glass desks and break and ringing. get out, go home and change. go to matts with sarah n jeremy n chris n chris. nice day outside. get food. back to matts. eat our food. go to drop my car off at canton center for my mom. bri follows and matt brings him to the other train station, so my mom drives me there. drop bri's car off at his house (left my cell phone there on accident) n head in jeremy's car to blue man group. while on the highway, the car starts bouncing funnily. then a weird pop, with lots of smoke. i thought of fire and death, scary. jeremys tire like split off. wait on the side of the road for like 45 minutes for triple a while attempting to fix the tire. it was scary with all of the cars wizzing by and such. the turn-y thing that jeremy had was messed up and the wheel was moving or soemthing weird, thus making it hard. scott was driving by and he pulled over. we used his turn-y thing. he left. jeremys dad got there, and the tire was changed. we were late. go on the subway. get off, get lost in chinatown. get directions, get to blue man group and catch the last 30 minutes of the show (it was sweet). they want food, we walk to mcdonalds. take the subway back. drive, drop bri off. go to randolph house. drive to jeremy's, sarah joins us. [wednesday] we plan to kill the entire male population, starting with all of the males that we are with. hey, out of ALL of the genders that you could be, you are a male. and hitler was a male. and all of the crazy dictators were males. eat cupcakes (around 1). get 9th grade excited/giddy about new crushies. eei. pick up chris chris scott n steve. walk around tanglewood and realize how creepily perfect it is/how much like a movie set it is, with all of the houses the same and "perfect". decide the rock is foam because of movie set/no one would believe that it is naturally there. me n sarah wish we were hot indians, like pochahontas. go to field[to find our tipis, i think]. it's wet, but it is perfect. walk back to jeremy's. hate jeremy's basement, decide to catch the sunrise. sit in sarah's car with sarah chris n steve so we don't miss the sunset. amazing, cept the doom. maybe 2 hours go by, but the sun rose and the trees blocked it. too happy to be sad about that, becuase the sun is shining through the trees of the huge/'perfect' house to the left of jeremy's, its so picture perfect. go outside. attempt to call dan rosenburg so he can come outside, at like 4 in the morning (sorry dan). matt got mad and medford chris drove him away to his house with all of our friends, except jeremy. we sit outside jeremys house in his driveway, the whole time like what the fuck are we gunna do now? sit and talk for a while. decide we need to contact dan again, walk over and look at his house. realize how creepy it is, so we look at the other houses too. realize how even creepier this is. sarah drives us around tanglewood to prove she can drive despite how tired she is. i drive around tanglewood to prove i can drive despite how tired i am, since they think i can't. jeremy needs to go to matts so me n sarah leave. she drives us to steve's, where him n scott got dropped off. we couldn't find them anywhere. sarah's phone is dying, so she drives past her house, but her mom is home. we call jeremy n he says they have to be at steve's, so we go back and check. realize they were there the whole time, and even tho we checked the garage they had been sleeping so we didn't see them. hang out there for a while. play with scott's weapons as tools. i decide i want to drive (i drive around anywhere we go this day, hah it was fun) so we drive back to sarahs. online suckyness. i drive us to my house, they are building my deck. go downstairs and random man is in my basement, it was so scary. change. decide we need to eat as we havent since the afternoon before (since like right after work). sarah needs to pick up her brother from work (ikea) at noon, and its like 11 so we go to ikea to get hot dogs. get so ridiculously lost, and we dont wanna go through the maze downstairs to get back to the hot dog place. a worker, who laughed when her co-worker told her a story so this crazy witch lady took her name (apparently the co-worker did something crazy lady considered bad), lets us through the door that connects from where the stairs go to the original entrace. why is that door employees only? get hotdogs. gross, but its food. sarahs brthoer gets out but needs to look at matresses. drop him off at sarah's, where her dad got a newer better crazy truck. visit bri at kohl's. go to kohl's cool bathroom. while walking, we see this pretty lamp. it was cool but weirdly shaped. after a minute, we realize that its shaped like a push-pin. after another minute, realize the brown we thought was a box is supposed to be like cork board, and can be used as cork board. he takes his break and goes to get a drink with us. sit in his car til his break is done (get my cell phone back). drop danas gloves off. go back to kohl's. sit in these awesome chairs. bri gets out of work, talk outside of kohl's while attempting to find out what me n sarah will do while bri showers. call jeremy, decide to go there. get there early, but chris n chris are there. jeremy matt n barbie come. sit around under the deck for a while. sit outside since i dont like the basement. sarah is gunna go home cause she needs to sleep for work the next morning (its like 4 in the afternoon). ask if she can drop me off. amanda n dan were home, which was good for me since it meant i had something to do since i wasn't tired. they were gunna get food, so me n erin go with them to papa ginos. they order, dan eats too much, scott comes. go to leave. dan throws up outside of papa gino's. get dropped off. i was gunna go to the gym with erin so i had something to do, but that would just be crazy. we start watching a movie, and i fall asleep.
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