Apr 19, 2008 10:58
The long-awaited (was it really?), much procrastinated (Seriously, though, wth was wrong with me?) update!
So I've come to the realization that I have not updated since .... I was pregnant! What the hell? granted, it was three days before I gave birth, but still. So my life has been crazy hectic. Forgive me? (dodging sporks and rotten tomatoes) Glad to see it's all water under the bridge!
Here's all the info to catch up on about my life.
About my oh-so-adorable son.
My son is 5 (and a 1/2!) months old now, being that he was born on the 5th of November at 22:22. He still has gorgeous blue eyes, is babbling now (not -real- words yet) and is grabbing anything within arms length and promptly inserting said object into his mouth if given the chance. He doesn't crawl yet (thank the stars for small mercies) but he did successfully place his knees beneath him a couple of days ago which alternately placed his head on the floor. (It t'was very amusing). He has reached out with both arms to give hugs, and has an adorable giggle that I wish you all could hear. He is too long for 3-6 months clothes, but to skinny for 6-9 month clothes. Go figure. Also, he is highly picky and damn stubborn. He is still a booby baby and while he did take a bottle a few times (per pediatrician request to help him gain weight) he now refuses. And I truly mean refuse. He clamps his mouth shut and turns his head away. If you, somehow, manage to get the bottle into his mouth, he spits the milk (either breast or formula) out. He does, however, eat rice cereal (from a spoon, of course) like a champion! He gobbles that up, as long as it's not at night (generally after 11pm). Before I make this too lengthy with the catch up and hard for individual's eyes to read, I shall step away from the topic of my son (of which I could probably discuss all day ^.^).
About Moi.
I have been doing excellent lately with my attempts to control and lose my weight. At the end of my pregnancy I weighed in at 275lbs (Yeouch!). At the beginning of it I was either 225 or 235lbs. Either way, I am now.... dun dun duuunnn... weighing in at 217lbs. That's right, I am successfully losing my weight and getting ever closer to the goal of 170lbs so that I can join the Air Force. Yes, I'm still planning on going! My arms are weak, and I can't run for s**t, but I'm gonna do it. I currently work for the devil's sidekick, Wal-Mart (just kidding!.... about the sidekick thing, I really do work for Wally World). I have been there three months now as an overnight worker, and am happily pissing off certain overnight associates who need to quit because of their stupidity. As I keep telling those who I enjoy working with, they have no idea of whom they hired and I do, apparently, have a temper. I no longer am willing to be walked over and although I've already had two discussions (can you believe it?? Nice ol' Jen getting a talking to??) about what I've said, the management says the have no lesser opinion of me and love my work. ^.^ I'm just good like that, cause they know I was in the right. ... Okay, that was slightly conceited, but hey... I think I'm entitled what with working with some of those bozos. >.< I am still engaged... although I'm beginning to think I'll be eternally wearing the ring without the paper. .::rolls eyes::. Whatever though. I'm happy in my relationship and we both love our son to death so I shouldn't complain.... much. We were both too broke this year what with having to pay off the hospital bills and such (thank the gods for insurance!! It would have cost me almost 15000 dollars without it!).
In wrapping up this humongous, but mainly because it was so overdue, update. I miss my awesome friends in California. I have now been legally licensed to drive in a third state. And the weather here is moving out of freezing to just very cold at night and most days are nice.
Love you all!! ^.^ And I hope I learn to update more often.