May 29, 2006 17:23
The sex meme:
Sexual orientation: Bi-curious, but the girl has to be fucking HOT
How often do you think about sex: Umm alot lol
How often do you HAVE sex: prolly bout 2-3 times a week...sometimes more
Worst sexual experience: Stu forcing me to fuck him
Cybersex? Phone sex?: Both weird and wrong and just do not work.
Casual sex: Umm yeah i think thats fine, if the person is a fuck buddy, ive slept with randoms but dont really like being degraded like that..
Sex toys and related fetish accessories: Give me cuffs and a vibrator any day =D
Least sexiest part: Vaginas. Ive never seen anything more filthy
Favorite body type: Built and muscular and around 6 foot.
Body hair: yes or no: I have none, but i like it on guys, but not too much.
Monogamy or non-monogamy?: Monogamy
Underwear: Boxers
Pornographic or erotic: I only like watching porn if im having sex at the same time
How large is your porn collection?: I dont have any
Favorite hair color: Brown
Kissing or cuddling?: cuddles i would say. Daniel is my big teddy bear =D
Most attractive anthro/furry creature: Nick/Conrad
Most interesting fetishes you've heard of: ummm apart from necrophiliacs, i would say dick cheese. They make me want to die!