Mar 15, 2006 21:34
I hit it agian
not the bottle
or drugs
what i have hit is the bottom
I have fallen once more into this time in my life where I feel like nothing I could say or do makes any sence
I feel like I can not realate to a single person that I know, all those who used to be my friends or not my friends at all have moved on became something new. Spesifically I see every one around me in relationships... married getting married, loving at the very least and here I am not loved and noone to love.
I depress my self with the things around me. things that should make me happy for others or even happy for my self and still i cant seem to muster anything but a fake grin or a stupid joke to cover my tears
What is it about my life that forces me to lay awake and try to put my life together
what is it about my life that forces me to deal with my whole life everyday I try to live