Jul 07, 2005 22:52
and only the hardest part of this summer to go. um, yay?
haha, anyway, tonight was the last night of genetics.. had my final so now that's one less thing I have to worry about for the rest of the summer. pretty excited about that, but in same cases, I feel a little sad- I really did enjoy the class, and the professor is one of my favorites so far at RU. Hopefully I'll have her for Topics in Human Genetics during Spring of junior year (which is THIS year..!). I can't believe I'm going to be a junior in college. These army guys stopped me on the way to my final tonight and asked me if I was still in high school. Um, no? Haha, yeah. I guess I'll appreciate my young looks when I'm 40.
MCAT studying is.. going. At least, I'm working on it. Saturday is my first full-length, meaning, I'll be sitting on my ass for 8 hours racking my brain for all the information that I definitely do NOT have. I've started studying with a girl from my kaplan class- she's so cute! haha, we laugh a lot when we're studying together and time goes by so much faster whenever we have study group. Plus, all my weaknesses are her strenghs and vice versa (well, almost. close enough, I must say). I think the full length is going to be a big slap in the face because I really don't think I've retained much of the stuff I've learned so far, so probably after this weekend, I'm going to really get cracking.
Went to b&n today in the morning and got myself a small tourist book on beijing, china! it lists the best places to go shopping, eat, see, etc, and I'm already getting so excited. it also has a map of the city in english, which for now is going to be extremely useful. However, it doesn't show my university on it.. funny how by the time I come back home for christmas, I'm going to know the whole place like I know jersey (or just about). I'm hoping that mom and dad will be able to visit me while I'm there, but I know for sure that my aunt is coming to visit because she has a school reunion in beijing and then my bro and our cousin from cali are going to come visit as well. I'm already thinking about the day I have to leave (august 28th) and how much I'm going to be homesick. I'm going to a totally different country where I don't even speak the language well. kinda scary...
lots to do tomorrow- studying with orlee (my mcat study buddy!), then selling my genetics book, getting papers signed by the dean so I can study abroad, filling out forms so I can use scholarship money toward study abroad, some visa stuff, and maybe a trip to princeton.
I miss my friends.