I was bored and reading over a few of my loyal reviewers' profiles. I stumbled across a list of tips for getting more Fanfiction reviews. Since I'm in no boat to be scorning reviews, I figured I'd check it out.
Anyway, there were a few strange suggestions, but one that really caught my eye was the warning to "not touch canon". Um, isn't that the point of fanfiction?
Mary Higgins Clark gave advice to writers at the beginning of one of her stories. She suggested taking an event, and going "What if...". Like, what if Sun Ce lived?
Anyway, I personally think writing canon is boring. It already happened, that's why it's called canon! Screwing up storylines is the fun part of writing fanfics anyways. I mean, what else is going to counter the fangirls' yaoi? :) (Don't tell a fangirl her yaoi fic isn't canon, BTW; she'll call you a hater. XD)
Maybe I'll go against my standards and write a Gan Ning/Ling Tong smutfest...
Nah. I'm not THAT desperate