Feb 11, 2009 23:24
Kind of a generic title there XD
I've never watched Top Chef so religiously before this season. I watched Season 3, skipped Season 4, and now I'm back on the Top Chef train for Season 5.
I've been more than irked by several of the eliminations; particularly Jeff, my personal favorite, and Ariane, the comeback kid (well, adult) who reminded me of my own mom! =]
However FINALLY, the right person went home. Go away, Leah Cohen, and never darken my television screen again (until you return for the finale as a sous chef next Wednesday, of course ^_^).
Also, American Idol-- I very nearly swore this show off completely after the snorefest it was last year. This year, at least they've put some decent people into the Top 36, not a bunch of cannon fodder.
I gotta say I can't wait for Joanna Pacitti to go home. How many more breaks is this girl going to get? Really? I don't care how "talented" she is (I don't think she's anything special), she's had more chances than the average person gets...
Also, NICK MITCHELL/NORMAN GENTLE MADE IT THROUGH!!!!!! AAAAAAAH I was so happy he made it I squealed XD
My adorable cousin-dog Pumpkin the pit bull is staying with us for the week. :3 It's always a joy to have a German Shepherd (my dog, Elkie) and Pumpkin jumping on top of me in the morning. XD
pit bull,
top chef,
american idol,
german shepherd